

(2018) - 10' - Drama
Fabio Basilico
The Hope Trilogy, a film production dedicated to the exploration of the concept of hope, closes with the short film "Hope within". The subtle but persistent presence of hope accompanies the existential research of the young woman protagonist, who, imprisoned by depression, aspires to rediscover the meaning of her life. Another mysterious woman of the same age who wears a simple white t-shirt and takes a backpack and a guitar with her will be able to help her. Absence or presence of hope, trust or fear of the present and the future, reality or dream, emotions or rationality: following a meta-realistic or neo-symbolist approach, the Hope trilogy tells, through realistic images loaded with a symbolic value that it goes beyond the simple description of reality, which, although not physically visible, exerts a strong and concrete influence on the soul and the individual psyche.
Roberta Magni Elisabetta Rossi Francesca Campanella
Fabio Basilico
Gio Ardizzola
TwinBros Production Italy
Nid: 2553