

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Path of Rebirth
Path of Rebirth (2020) Horror
by Nicola Savino
- 15'
trending_up 7,243
pathophobia (2020) Horror
by Simone Pascale
- 21'
trending_up 6,248
The Genesis of Life (2020) Musicale
by Jacopo Parini
- 4'
trending_up 7,505
Poetica reclusa (2020) Musicale
by Dario Vello
- 2'
trending_up 8,686
La prossima notte (2020) Science Fiction
by Ettore Di Gennaro Antonio Castaldo
- 13'
trending_up 6,401
Il Paradosso di Zenone (2020) Comedy
by Martin Basile
- 12'
trending_up 12,934 emoji_events
Il Sarto
Il Sarto (2020) Thriller
by Valter Ceccomarini
- 20'
trending_up 7,555
σκιά / Skiá- Il Mito della Caverna (2020) Drama
by Antonio Santorelli
- 10'
trending_up 7,103
The Rooftop (2020) Thriller
by Francesco Maffei
- 8'
trending_up 9,762 emoji_events
by Leonardo d'Angiò
- 2'
trending_up 8,589
ISOLATION (2020) Thriller
by Roberto Loiacono e Angelo Donzella
- 13'
trending_up 6,891 emoji_events
eagle at the zenith (2020) Musicale
by arber mucaj
- 4'
trending_up 12,135
il Beppe (2020) Documentary
by Silvia Garbuggino e Gaetano Ventriglia
- 15'
trending_up 5,816
L'INUTILITÀ (2020) Drama
by Gennaro Iago Esposito
- 4'
trending_up 7,770
Lo "scherzo" (2020) Drama
by Wilma Massucco
- 29'
trending_up 5,752
by Gaetano Montella
- 3'
trending_up 6,127
The rocking man's Dream (2020) Erotic Video
by Mario Orman
- 5'
trending_up 6,367 emoji_events
AN DRE A (2020) Horror
by Luigi Il Grande
- 18'
trending_up 7,341
by Noemi Cusato
- 13'
trending_up 5,656
Automatic (2020) Drama
by Emanuele Passilongo
- 8'
trending_up 4,587 emoji_events
Pasolini - Il Cuore del Poeta era scoppiato (2020) Documentary
by Simone Graziosi
- 7'
trending_up 7,031
come un'ombra (2020) Documentary
by alberto pisapia
- 4'
trending_up 9,211 emoji_events
Il Giovane Giudice - Rosario Livatino (2020) Drama
by Angelo Maria Sferrazza
- 9'
trending_up 8,461 emoji_events
Il cravattino
Il cravattino (2020) Drama
by Orazio Ciancone, Paolo Sideri
- 25'
trending_up 6,018 emoji_events
Ignorance (2020) Musicale
by Angelo Giacovelli - Anna Calò
- 3'
trending_up 6,887
Genesi (2020) Musicale
by Giacomo Colonnelli
- 1'
trending_up 8,095
Bevi Responsabilmente (2020) Drama
by Riccardo Avitabile
- 3'
trending_up 5,587 emoji_events
REM (2020) Fantasy
by Anna Maggio
- 2'
trending_up 3,573
Area 21 (2020) Action
by Samuel Carbone
- 13'
trending_up 7,023
IO CON ME (2020) Drama
by Nuccio Modica (pseudonimo di Carmelo Modica)
- 10'
trending_up 6,838 emoji_events