Dear Filmmaker we are happy that you are here!
Our mission is to foster analog practices and films, promoting exchanges and connections in the spirit of cultural exchanges once favoured by the Adriatic Sea sealing.
Adriatikino aims to widen our audience's horizon about what cinema is, as well as to offer a showcase of the richness of analogue film possibilities. We are looking for any genre of short analogue films (Experimental, Documentary, Hybrid, Fiction, Animation).
Adriatikino is the Adriatic Film Exhibition celebrating Analog Footage Film
Screening dates between: 29 - 31 May 2025
Venues: Cortile Clareni at Nuovo Teatro di Capodarco, Capodarco di Fermo (FM), Italy
Luma Experimental Film Lab, Fermo (FM), Italy
Directed and organised by Francesca Svampa and Giacomo Maroni
Short film up to 15 min length.
We accept submission until April 15th, 2025
In order to complete one film submission fill this form and pay a 7 € contribution to the organisation via PayPal. Please make sure to write your Film Title in the payment.
Submission fee PayPal payment: