
I Catch you (nightmare in search of an author)

(2019) - 14' - Thriller
Lorenzo Mannino
Un misterioso uomo, tale "G", barbuto, terrone e minaccioso, pedina un affarista milanese di nome "MR.T", lungo tutta Milano. Riuscirà ad acciuffarlo?
Edoardo Barbone, Alberto Fasoli, Alexandra Florina Lovin e Eugenio Fea
Lorenzo Mannino & Gianluca Vittorio
Danilo Randazzo, Omar Gioglio, Eleonora Rindi e Stefano Gaeta
Giuseppe Bonasia & Federico Tarchini
Premi vinti
Best Student Film - best of the year - Oniros Film Awards 2019 Best Actor - Monthly Edition of May 2019 - Oniros FIlm Awards 2019 Honorable Mention for Best Soundtrack - Monthly Edition of May 2019 - Oniros FIlm Awards 2019 Miglior corto, sezione Corti Siciliani a Corti in Cortile 2019 Best 2nd film - January - The Monthly Film festival 2019 Best actor - January - The Monthly film festival 2019 Best editing - January - The monthly film festival 2019 Best screenplay - January - The monthly film festival 2019 Best editing - Cinefacs.it Quarantena film festival 2020
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Sede Lombardia
Nid: 2920