

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Away from Gaza (2014) Documentary
by Roberto Quarta
- 25'
trending_up 10,881
II Lettera ad un cittadino del IV Millennio (2014) Documentary
by Gabriel Isaak Iovino
- 36'
trending_up 9,241
Strege a Pachino (2014) Documentary
by Lorenzo Muscoso
- 18'
trending_up 11,450
Mamanera The Documentary - Episode 5 (2014) Documentary
by Mauro Paladini - Raffaele Congedo
- 25'
trending_up 7,327
Il Celio Azzurro di Steve (2014) Documentary
by Rossana Cingolani
- 12'
trending_up 7,836 emoji_events
In città sei un numero (2014) Documentary
by Salvatore Tuccio
- 3'
trending_up 8,740 emoji_events
Turriaki (2013) Documentary
by Salvatore Tuccio
- 12'
trending_up 9,633 emoji_events
Donne che... girano (2013) Documentary
by Viola Piccininni
- 5'
trending_up 11,518 emoji_events
Moussa Diary (2013) Documentary
by Emiliano Albensi
- 11'
trending_up 6,181 emoji_events
Sensual code 3.3 (2011) Documentary
by Federico Mattioni
- 10'
trending_up 15,559