
Là dove c'è troppa luce

(2018) - 10' - Drama
Lorenzo Mannino
An actress meets a lonely and mysterious ex-photographer in a bad discopub of Milan called "Circle"; Together they will find a meaning in their lives.
Marco S.Bellocchio, Roberta Rigano
Lorenzo Mannino
Danilo Randazzo, Alessandra Pirrone, Giulio Matheson, Orazio Magrì
Giuseppe Bonasia
Premi vinti
Best Cinematography all'Oniros Film Awards - June Monthly Winner 2018 Nomination 1st time Director all'Oniros Film Awards - June Monthly Finalist 2018 Winner of the "Best of Year 2018" per "Best Cinematography" all'Oniros FIlm Awards 2018 Winner like "Best Director" at Global Youth Film Festival, Rangpur, Bangladesh 2018 3rd Film of the Month at "The Monthly Film Festival" - September 2018 Cinematographer of the month - The Monthly FIlm Festival - September 2018 Nomination "Best Actor" at Queen Palm International Film Fest - October 2018 Nomination "Best Writer" at Queen Palm International Film Fest - October 2018 Award of Prestige like "Best Student Film" at Vegas Movie Awards - June 2019
Centro Sperimentale Cinematografia - Lombardia
Nid: 2601