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notifications_active Sábado 11 Febrero 2017

BICF accepts all genres and shows an amazing mix of short and feature length films, the best indie films on the festival circuit, before they hit theaters. Audiences vote for “Best of the Fest” and are invited to come mix and mingle with filmmakers, cast and crew at great after parties.

Come see what makes Berlin International Cinefest unlike any other indie film festival and thank you for your support.
Rules & Terms

Titles produced in languages other than English must have legible English subtitles.

DVD’s must be clearly labeled with film title, category and running time.

More than one entry may be submitted. Each must be submitted with its own entry form and fee.

Thumbdrives and DVDs will not be returned.

Entry fee is nonrefundable.

Filmmaker will assume shipping costs to the festival.

We prefer online screeners, digital copies, or a link to an online video (such as YouTube or Vimeo). Please include a valid password if required. If these options are not available, please send a clearly labeled thumb drive or DVD.

If your film will be selected for screening you must send film in high quality (Full HD, mp4 or mov) with German subtitles.

All materials submitted become the property of the festival and will not be returned.

The selection committees’ and juries’ decisions are final.

Foreign entrants must assume all responsibility for clearing films and videotapes through U.S. and foreign customs officials.

Berlin International Cinefest reserves the right to make any necessary changes in regulations or festival scheduling.

Filmmaker agrees that films entered into the festival may be selected for screening at the festival and may also be screened in other media in association with the promotion of the film festival via live screenings or television.

Vincitori edizioni precedenti:

Best short The Town Where Nobody Lives by Al Topich
Best animation Arkhe by Batuhan Köksal
Best documentary Now by Otávio Lima
Best Music Video Tonight Is The Night by Javier Chacártegui
Best Commercial HOT DOG BERLIN by Toby Wulff

ID: 2100