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notifications_active Lunes 30 Abril 2018


De Miércoles 20 Junio 2018 hasta Lunes 10 Septiembre 2018

Roma (RM) Prenota l'albergo più vicino ->

Direttore artistico:
Franco Rina
Bandi, regolamenti, schede di partecipazione:

CinemadaMare is an International Travelling Campus: it's the biggest gathering of young filmmakers in the world!
At its 15th edition, the Festival is scheduled to be held from June to September: it actually lasts 12 weeks and crosses Italy from North to South!
Every year we host 200 international filmmakers FOR FREE throughout the festival: free attendance, free overnight stay, free travels from a place to another. Workshops and Masterclasses are free as well.
All of them come to Italy to shoot their films in a multicultural context and enjoy "the best summer of their life" with us!
Take a look -

ID: 2420