

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Sperimentale (2019)
by Pal Kolndrekaj
- 10'
trending_up 7,491 emoji_events
Periferia Nord (2019) Drama
by Francesco Maglioccola
- 54'
trending_up 9,504
Oscar tra le Nuvole (2019) Drama
by Paolo Fulvio Mazzacane
- 19'
trending_up 7,684
Mi ParMillanni (2019) Drama
by Michelangelo M. Sangiorgi
- 24'
trending_up 3,587
Albero Motore (2019) Comedy
by Salvo Spoto
- 5'
trending_up 6,615 emoji_events
dream baby dream (2019)
by davide pozzi
- 4'
trending_up 3,925
WONDERWALL (2019) Drama
by Raffaele Natale
- 9'
trending_up 3,770
L' arte è (2019) Biography
by Davide TIpaldi
- 5'
trending_up 8,452
Alters (2019) Thriller
by Artemisio Desiderio-Francesco Baiano
- 9'
trending_up 9,266
A wonderful place (2019) Drama
by Andrea Gandossi
- 12'
trending_up 4,718
U BARUNI SCOTULA (2019) Historian
by Giovanni Battista Pollina
- 30'
trending_up 9,793
Underground Mania (2019) Documentary
by Nicola Stradiotto, Roberto Menegon.
- 46'
trending_up 7,415
La Vita Concessa (2019) Drama
by Sante Costantino
- 5'
trending_up 5,823
Uno sguardo sul Natale (2019) Comedy
by Gino Brotto
- 22'
trending_up 5,377
L'estatica illusione (2019) Documentary
by Giuseppe Piscino
- 12'
trending_up 8,048
Simmetria (2019) Thriller
by Michele Di Rienzo
- 15'
trending_up 10,154 emoji_events
Stanza 13 \\ If a room comes to life (2019) Horror
by raffaele grasso
- 6'
trending_up 7,144
Questo non è reale (2019) Drama
by Samuele Schiavo
- 12'
trending_up 7,549
Vita e Morte di un Poeta Qualunque (2019) Drama
by Riccardo Moccia
- 7'
trending_up 7,092
"non tutte le ciambelle riescono col buco" le indagini del Commissario Panizza (trailer) (2019) Drama
by Giorgio Bertuccioli
- 2'
trending_up 6,614
Acquamara (2019) Drama
by Edoardo Viterbori
- 15'
trending_up 4,721
Gli Occhi Dell'Altro
Gli Occhi Dell'Altro (2019) Drama
by Rosario Errico
- 17'
trending_up 5,658
MENTRE TE NE VAI (2019) Drama
by Maricla Pannocchia e Leonardo Barone
- 540'
trending_up 4,589
Resin (2019) Horror
by Michela Nardella
- 7'
trending_up 7,786
The Outer (2019) Horror
by Gianmarco Ciotti
- 6'
trending_up 7,811 emoji_events
Kill Under Water (2019) Fantasy
by Michelangelo Arizzi
- 1'
trending_up 7,317
Rapina all'italiana (2019) Comedy
by Fabio Mascia
- 55'
trending_up 10,117
La Scarpetta
La Scarpetta (2019) Comedy
by Paola Settimini
- 15'
trending_up 9,411
Havana Burger (2019) Thriller
by White Russian Pictures
- 17'
trending_up 10,665
L' Ultimo Casting (2019) Thriller
by Michelangelo Arizzi
- 9'
trending_up 7,965 emoji_events