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notifications_active Giovedì 28 Febbraio 2019

Associazione In-Oltre Onlus, in collaborazione con Centro Studi Cinematografici, S.A.S. Bergamo, la Cooperativa Sociale Namasté e l’Associazione Diaforà Bergamo.
Bandi, regolamenti, schede di partecipazione:

The In-Oltre Onlus Association, promoter of the Corti exhibition on the edge of the limit, was established in 2004 on the initiative of the Local Health Authority of Bergamo (ASL, now ATS), the Representative Council of Mayors, the Bergamo and of some physical persons. To the top of the group of persons involved in the field of disability: Municipality and Province of Bergamo, representatives of the Trade Unions, representatives of the University, Confcooperative Bergamo, Diakonia Bergamo, family associations, other volunteer members . The aim is to develop innovative projects to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities. In-Over-Onlus Association organized an exhibition dedicated to the fictional, documentary or experimental shorts that had its theme as a limit in its multiple interpretations: - limit, limits and barriers, as structures that block (block) possible encounters - limits, limits and boundaries, places that separate (separate) or put (put) in relation - limit, limitations and limitations, conditions that dis-enable (dis-enable) - limit and link between difference, differences and identity On the basis of the success in terms of the quality of the proposal for the 2018 edition, in 2019 In-Oltre decided to re-propose the initiative by transforming the exhibition into a competition .

ID: 2771