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MalatestaShort Film Festival 6° edizione cinema bazàr

MalatestaShort Film Festival 6° edizione cinema bazàr

Mercredi 26 octobre 2022 - Dimanche 30 octobre 2022

Cesena (FC)

Direttore artistico:
Luca Berardi
Albedo aps e Arci Cesena
Bandi, regolamenti, schede di partecipazione:

cinema bazàr
Cesena (Fc) Italia 26-30 ottobre 2022

Il titolo di questa 6° edizione del MalatestaShort Film Festival, festival internazionale di cinema breve, è “cinema bazàr”. Ci dà il senso di una comunità che ha bisogno di ritrovarsi e ci rimanda allo stupore verso l'inatteso, come quando nella banchetta di un mercato cerchi un qualcosa di diverso, di nuovo, che poi porterai con te nel quotidiano.
Il festival, con un montepremi di 1350 euro in denaro, è in continua ricerca delle diverse forme in cui si dirama il cinema breve e cerca di valorizzarne le opere e le proiezioni anche con incontri e momenti formativi per il pubblico.
-Premio BEST FILM 600 euro
-premio ARCHIVE FILM 200 euro
-Premio FOCUS MEDIO ORIENTE 150 euro
- Premio ULTRASHORT 100 euro
- Premio GRAN BAZAR 100 euro, fra tutti i film arrivati, in tutte le categorie, a cura di Albedo

Il concorso internazionale, è aperto anche alle opere nazionali e rappresenta uno sguardo ad ampio raggio sulle nuove produzioni cinematografiche e audiovisive.
Per la prima volta il premio al miglior film accorpa film di diversi generi e si rivolge a cortometraggi di FICTION, al CINEMA DEL REALE, ai DOCUMENTARI narrativi e ai corti di ANIMAZIONE narrativa.

Da sempre attento alle opere filmiche che utilizzano materiale di repertorio, il festival apre quest’anno una nuova categoria dedicata alle opere che meglio sanno interpretare i materiali d’archivio, sia in film totalmente d’archivio che in forma mista.

La sezione è dedicata alle opere brevi sperimentali di qualunque genere, comprese le animazioni non narrative e i film art, sia indipendenti che legati a gallerie di arte contemporanea. Questa sezione è stata considerata a parte rispetto al premio miglior film proprio per la specificità di linguaggio e di struttura che caratterizza questi lavori.

- PREMIO FOCUS MEDIO ORIENTE max 30' 150 EURO. In accordo con la suggestione del bazàr il focus internazionale è incentrato sul cinema del Medio Oriente,. Si prendono in considerazione le opere i cui registi sono del medio oriente oppure di registi di qualsiasi nazionalità ma che affrontano questioni o ambientazioni tipicamente medio orientali. Paesi di rifermento: (Arabia Saudita, Bahrein, Cipro, Emirati Arabi uniti, Egitto, Giordania, Iraq, Iran, Israele, Kuwait, Libano, Oman, Palestina, Qatar, Siria, Turchia, Yemen)

Sezione avviata con successo lo scorso anno, a cui sono destinati i cortissimi entro i tre minuti.

- PREMIO GRAN BAZàR, a cura di Albedo 100 EURO.
Tutti i film arrivati, in tutte le categorie, hanno l'ulteriore possibilità di partecipare alla selezione premio gran bazàr: un tentativo che facciamo per dare voce anche a tutte quelle opere che per vari motivi non rientrano fra quelle selezionate nelle categorie in concorso, ma che riteniamo meritevoli di essere viste.

- BEST FILM AWARD (fiction, doc, animation) max 30' 600 EURO
The International Competition, also open to Italian works, has always been the heart of the festival and represents a wide-ranging look at new film and audiovisual productions.
For the first time, the prize for the best film, which amounts to 600€, brings together works of different genres and is aimed at short FICTION films, cinema of reality, narrative DOCUMENTARIES, and narrative ANIMATION shorts.

Always attentive to films made with archive material, this year the festival opens a new category to the works that best interpret archival material, both in totally archival films and in mixed form.

The section is dedicated to short experimental works of any genre, including non-narrative animation and art films, both independent and linked to contemporary art galleries. This section has been considered apart from the Best Film Award because of the specificity of language and structure that characterizes these works.

In accordance with the bazaar theme, the international focus will be on the Middle Eastern cinema, with works from different countries and moments of in-depth analysis.
Works by directors from the Middle East, or by directors of any nationality but who deal with typically Middle Eastern issues or settings, will be considered.
Countries of reference: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, Yemen.

The last category in competition is that of Ultrashort films, a category successfully launched last year that focuses on the freest experimentation, to which short films of less than three minutes will be destined.

- GRAN BAZàR AWARD. 100 EURO, by Albedo.
All the films arrived, in all the categories, have the further chance to participate in the Grand Bazàr Prize Selection: our attempt to give voice also to all works that, for various reasons, do not fall among those selected in the categories in competition, but that we believe deserve to be seen.

Vincitori edizioni precedenti:

International competition

Best Fiction
Alessio Merighi, film-maker and assistant director
Antonio Maraldi, film critic
Stefano De Pieri, director of photography

Award-winning short film:
Nefta Football Club, by Yves Piat
France, 2018

The story, technically impeccable, unfolds with irony and sensitivity. By means of a funny unexpected event, the dividing line between the world of adults and the world of children, where everything is a game, surprisingly emerges. The ending really makes you want to leave everything behind and improvise a football game. Maybe after tracing the lines, in order not to argue.

Honorable mention to:
The best orchestra in the world, by Henning Backhaus
Austria, 2019

For the originality in telling, with disarming genuineness, the experience of being incredibly unique but inevitably different. All of this with a more realistic vision than ever of a cynical world! Thanks to an excellent cinematic technique that shows great attention to every detail, the audience gently slides into a drama disguised as a comedy by means of funny sketches and technically impeccable animated puppets. The audience expects, at any moment, some sort of social redemption that will never take place, leaving the amused viewer with something to think about.

Best Experimental
Francesca Leoni and Davide Mastrangelo, directors and curators of “Ibrida”, a festival of intermedial arts, Forlì
Michele Cotelli, film, music and theatre festivals curator
Francesco Tavella, director

Award-winning short film:
Con o senza di te (With or without you), by Angela Prudenzi
Italy, 2018

Short film that in a matter of moments accompanies the audience in the intellectual mediocrity the mankind is capable of reaching. The bright colors of the excellent graphic art, that surround the voice-over narration, being diametrically opposed to the black and white images that depict the protagonists, strengthen the image of an unhappy love. The bare and repetitive voice-over reaches out to the idea that gender-based violence is something common and universal even in middle class; it is not something confined in the elsewhere that doesn’t belong to us. The film reaches the right balance between narration and experimentation.

Serial parallels, by Max Hattler
Hong Kong, 2019

We note Serial Parallels for the research on audiovisual language. Solid short film in which an obsessive landscape substitutes a humanity collapsed into things and dissolved into digital. An ants’ nest-like city made of films that flow like an indifferent, but not impersonal, time where people can no longer find each other.

Best Animation
Laura Fuzzi, illustrator
Sara Alessandrini, facility manager at Egyptian Theatre, the oldest movie theater in Hollywood
Elisa Giovannelli, educational department at Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna

Award-winning short film:
Udahnut zivot (Imbued life), by Ivana Bosnjak, Thomas Johnson
Croatia, 2019

This film is awarded for its ability to amaze, the production technique and the sense of elegance and beauty it is able to convey. Great attention is paid to details, photography and use of shadows and colors. Added to this impeccable technique is the ability of the directors to give life to inanimate puppets, thanks to a language of incisive poetry in living an adventure desperately searching for a communion with nature.

Honorable mention to:
Streets of fury, by Aidan McAteer
Ireland, 2019

For the irony used to describe the world of the video game, of which the director deeply knows its language and stereotypes. Stylistically, this short film is produced very well; it’s funny, it’s endearing, it’s the story of the ambitious brawler who finds himself in a world completely opposite to the one he’s used to live in and in which he has to survive. It keeps the audience attached to the screen from the beginning to the end.

Best Documentary:
Filippo Venturi, photographer
Dario Agazzi, film critic
Martina De Polo, documentary film director

Award-winning film:
Ferroada/Bite, by Adriana Barbosa and Bruno Mello Castanho
Brazil, 2017

For its ability to describe, almost beyond documentary, the singular life of the writer and pall-bearer Tico, deeply touching the viewer and making him think about the meaning of literature in a hostile world: where the poetic resistance becomes everyday metaphysics.

The passenger, by Tommaso Valente
Italy, 2019

For its ability to well integrate into our reality thanks to a narration that alternates between an empathetic description of its protagonists and purely visual limpid abstractions.

Cinema Extended Prize
curated by Albedo

Milady, by Giulia Tivelli
For the sensitivity with which the film sets out on the trail left by time and finds the strength to ask the right questions to bring into focus the most sensitive moments of one’s life. Cinema becomes an instrument of courage through which rediscover oneself, shifting the gaze inward.

ID: 2291