

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Wayne the Batman (2024) Action
- 7'
trending_up 226
Stil Alive (2021) Action
by Riccardo cocola
- 16'
trending_up 4,722 emoji_events
Area 21 (2020) Action
by Samuel Carbone
- 13'
trending_up 6,933
Il figlio del Senator Borlotti
Il figlio del Senator Borlotti (2020) Action
by Lorenzo Cammisa
- 13'
trending_up 7,903
Software (2019) Action
by Fabio Mascia
- 2 907'
trending_up 9,246
Anestesia Rapida (2018) Action
by Pietro Di Rauso
- 3'
trending_up 7,485
La Trappola Continua...quel varco verso il passato (2018) Action
by Pietro Di Rauso - Uriele Russo
- 3'
trending_up 7,348
In Trappola (2018) Action
by Pietro Di Rauso
- 2'
trending_up 7,509
Spartacus : Tra sogno e realtà (2016) Action
by Pietro Di Rauso
- 7'
trending_up 7,502
Target hacker - Cortometraggio (2016) Action
by Daniele Longo
- 10'
trending_up 9,205
FERMATE CAINO (2015) Action
by Geremia Vinattieri - Matteo Granziera - Matteo Basei
- 13'
trending_up 11,285
From black to white (2012) Action
by Francesco Maglioccola
- 14'
trending_up 12,059 emoji_events