

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Poetica reclusa (2020) Musicale
by Dario Vello
- 2'
trending_up 8,682
La prossima notte (2020) Science Fiction
by Ettore Di Gennaro Antonio Castaldo
- 13'
trending_up 6,394
Il Paradosso di Zenone (2020) Comedy
by Martin Basile
- 12'
trending_up 12,928 emoji_events
The Rooftop (2020) Thriller
by Francesco Maffei
- 8'
trending_up 9,756 emoji_events
by Leonardo d'Angiò
- 2'
trending_up 8,584
ISOLATION (2020) Thriller
by Roberto Loiacono e Angelo Donzella
- 13'
trending_up 6,884 emoji_events
Lo "scherzo" (2020) Drama
by Wilma Massucco
- 29'
trending_up 5,743
eagle at the zenith (2020) Musicale
by arber mucaj
- 4'
trending_up 12,130
il Beppe (2020) Documentary
by Silvia Garbuggino e Gaetano Ventriglia
- 15'
trending_up 5,805
L'INUTILITÀ (2020) Drama
by Gennaro Iago Esposito
- 4'
trending_up 7,765
by Gaetano Montella
- 3'
trending_up 6,118
The rocking man's Dream (2020) Erotic Video
by Mario Orman
- 5'
trending_up 6,363 emoji_events
AN DRE A (2020) Horror
by Luigi Il Grande
- 18'
trending_up 7,333
by Noemi Cusato
- 13'
trending_up 5,649
Il cravattino
Il cravattino (2020) Drama
by Orazio Ciancone, Paolo Sideri
- 25'
trending_up 6,008 emoji_events
Ignorance (2020) Musicale
by Angelo Giacovelli - Anna Calò
- 3'
trending_up 6,880
Automatic (2020) Drama
by Emanuele Passilongo
- 8'
trending_up 4,581 emoji_events
Pasolini - Il Cuore del Poeta era scoppiato (2020) Documentary
by Simone Graziosi
- 7'
trending_up 7,022
come un'ombra (2020) Documentary
by alberto pisapia
- 4'
trending_up 9,205 emoji_events
Il Giovane Giudice - Rosario Livatino (2020) Drama
by Angelo Maria Sferrazza
- 9'
trending_up 8,449 emoji_events
REM (2020) Fantasy
by Anna Maggio
- 2'
trending_up 3,565
Area 21 (2020) Action
by Samuel Carbone
- 13'
trending_up 7,021
Genesi (2020) Musicale
by Giacomo Colonnelli
- 1'
trending_up 8,088
Bevi Responsabilmente (2020) Drama
by Riccardo Avitabile
- 3'
trending_up 5,583 emoji_events
How High The Moon
How High The Moon (2020) Thriller
by Antonio Candalice
- 5'
trending_up 6,193
CORONA (2020) Drama
by Raffaele Grasso
- 4'
trending_up 7,275 emoji_events
IO CON ME (2020) Drama
by Nuccio Modica (pseudonimo di Carmelo Modica)
- 10'
trending_up 6,831 emoji_events
Fase 123.. stella! (2020) Comedy
by Andrea Molinari
- 3'
trending_up 6,462
Musiche da un piccolo mondo (2020)
by Elisa Canessa
- 30'
trending_up 7,351
Umar - il rumore del mare (2020) Drama
by Giammaria Cauteruccio
- 6'
trending_up 7,822