

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

PIANETA CASA. Il linguaggio spaziale (2025) Documentary
by Livio Fornoni
- 15'
trending_up 283
Lampedusa, i luoghi della memoria
Lampedusa, i luoghi della memoria (2024) Documentary
by Davide Lo Bue
- 24'
trending_up 1,266
TikTok in Business
TikTok in Business (2024) Documentary
by Marco Cocozza
- 15'
trending_up 2,488
Castrofilippo: Piccola Grande Città (2024) Documentary
by Paolo Fabbella
- 32'
trending_up 2,125 emoji_events
SHOOTER (2024) Documentary
by Federico Imola
- 14'
trending_up 2,421
Bruno Petretto - Una vita per l'Arte (2024) Documentary
by Fabiana Miccio
- 76'
trending_up 3,204
LeCoseBelleLeCoseBrutte (2024) Documentary
by Katia - Anna Trombetti
- 8'
trending_up 3,273
Altra Civiltà Expedition in New Guinea (2024) Documentary
by Livio Fornoni
- 130'
trending_up 22,624
In cerca di pace (2023) Documentary
by Andrea Rainone
- 35'
trending_up 3,225
L'istinto, la violenza e l'amore (2023) Documentary
by Filippo Ruggieri
- 35'
trending_up 3,896
Dans les Roseaux (2023) Documentary
by Sebastiano Menardi
- 4'
trending_up 3,070
Presso la fonte (2023) Documentary
by Sebastiano Menardi
- 4'
trending_up 3,019
by Marco Cocozza
- 2'
trending_up 3,467
L'Isola del cuore (2022) Documentary
by Cinzia Brai
- 7'
trending_up 400 emoji_events
Sypario (2022) Documentary
by Martina Briglia
- 7'
trending_up 521
Come Fallire e Vivere Felici (2022) Documentary
by Alessio Del Donno
- 19'
trending_up 2,586 emoji_events
BIBLIOTECA UMANA (2022) Documentary
by Roberto Pietro Repetti
- 19'
trending_up 3,942
I volti del signor Lecco (2022) Documentary
by Marco Gasparetti
- 1'
trending_up 20,104
Scequànne scequànne (2022) Documentary
by Antonio Garofalo
- 5'
trending_up 4,833 emoji_events
‘A Botta du Mastru (2022) Documentary
by Francesco Petrantoni
- 5'
trending_up 5,128 emoji_events
Il filo...segreto (2021) Documentary
by Modestino DI Nenna
- 31'
trending_up 3,103
I volti della natura (2021) Documentary
by Marco Gasparetti
- 1'
trending_up 5,853 emoji_events
CANTICUM (2021) Documentary
by maria cristina osti
- 8'
trending_up 6,198
TRAILER - Memento Vivere :un'opera che terminerà tra 20 anni (2021) Documentary
by Kyrahm, Mariaelena Masetti Zannini, Julius Kaiser
- 2'
trending_up 6,753
Zaytun - Fuori Campo (Out of Bounds) (2021) Documentary
- 40'
trending_up 7,153
Vecchio Metodo Napoli (2021) Documentary
by Marco Cocozza, Federica De Lucia e Sara Russo
- 17'
trending_up 3,662
Cinema D'autore e Cinema Commerciale, due mondi sempre più vicini (2021) Documentary
by Pal Kolndrekaj
- 2'
trending_up 7,210 emoji_events
CANTICUM (2021) Documentary
by maria cristina osti
- 8'
trending_up 6,027
by Pal Kolndrekaj
- 1'
trending_up 17,209 emoji_events
Covid-19: Giorni surreali (2020) Documentary
by Antonio Montefalcone
- 8'
trending_up 7,287