

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

STANZA 1 (2020) Drama
by Emanuele Alfieri
- 7'
trending_up 5,317
Luci Spente
Luci Spente (2020) Drama
by Marco Peddio
- 10'
trending_up 4,729
#TuttoMoltoSocial (2020) Comedy
by Raffaele Sassano
- 15'
trending_up 6,789
Sponde (2020) Documentary
by Paolo Sideri
- 40'
trending_up 6,343 emoji_events
Jessica (2020) Musicale
by Angelo Giacovelli - Anna Calò
- 4'
trending_up 6,712
Pineta (2020) Horror
by Simone Giufrè, Gabriele Colaci
- 12'
trending_up 5,640
by Raffaele Grasso
- 6'
trending_up 6,958 emoji_events
Uoma (2020) Comedy
by Giuseppe Piscino
- 6'
trending_up 6,286
Pasolini - Lampi sull'Eni. Pasolini, Mattei e De Mauro (2020) Documentary
by Simone Graziosi
- 6'
trending_up 7,185
CoreMix (2020) Musicale
by Tommaso Ricci
- 2'
trending_up 7,980
SMILE (2020) Drama
by Gianni Giotta
- 6'
trending_up 5,949
L' UNGUENTO (2020) Drama
by Marco Ursillo
- 8'
trending_up 6,855 emoji_events
NO FUTURE #1 - La Terra Desolata (2020) Animation
by Gianluca Ceccato
- 1'
trending_up 8,682
Burocardiocrazia (Bureaucardiocracy)
Burocardiocrazia (Bureaucardiocracy) (2020) Drama
by Antonio Candalice
- 9'
trending_up 5,217
Un altro giorno in Paradiso - (cover "Another Day In Paradise") (2020) Musicale
by Jacopo Maria Martone (Jj-Mart)
- 4'
trending_up 8,439
"Ricordi" lettere d'amore (2020)
by Sonia e Giorgio Bertuccioli
- 3'
trending_up 5,204
Streets of Naples (2020) Musicale
by Fabio Gargano
- 3'
trending_up 7,231
Not Alone (2020) Horror
by Angelo D'Alessandro
- 6'
trending_up 6,990
Ospitalità (2020) Horror
by Fabiana Miccio
- 8'
trending_up 8,522
Alters (2019) Thriller
by Artemisio Desiderio-Francesco Baiano
- 9'
trending_up 9,437
A wonderful place (2019) Drama
by Andrea Gandossi
- 12'
trending_up 4,801
WONDERWALL (2019) Drama
by Raffaele Natale
- 9'
trending_up 3,855
L' arte è (2019) Biography
by Davide TIpaldi
- 5'
trending_up 8,590
La Vita Concessa (2019) Drama
by Sante Costantino
- 5'
trending_up 5,909
Uno sguardo sul Natale (2019) Comedy
by Gino Brotto
- 22'
trending_up 5,541
U BARUNI SCOTULA (2019) Historian
by Giovanni Battista Pollina
- 30'
trending_up 9,964
Underground Mania (2019) Documentary
by Nicola Stradiotto, Roberto Menegon.
- 46'
trending_up 7,595
Simmetria (2019) Thriller
by Michele Di Rienzo
- 15'
trending_up 10,365 emoji_events
Stanza 13 \\ If a room comes to life (2019) Horror
by raffaele grasso
- 6'
trending_up 7,267
L'estatica illusione (2019) Documentary
by Giuseppe Piscino
- 12'
trending_up 8,184