

This is the list of films and short films on Cinemabreve.org. You can find the technical file, the cast and the link to watch the movie.

Fame (2024) Thriller
by Matteo Ducceschi
- 20'
trending_up 1,187
Gli Implacabili Tormenti di Jon Doe (2024) Thriller
by Simone Pascale
- 13'
trending_up 897
La vie en rouge (2024) Thriller
by Andrea Fornalè
- 15'
trending_up 938
Finché morte non ci separi (2024) Thriller
by Michele Martino
- 15'
trending_up 890
Il respiro del diavolo (2024) Thriller
by Enrica Ermini
- 13'
trending_up 1,330
Eco (2024) Thriller
by Marco Cannilla
- 15'
trending_up 1,565
La brava gente (2024) Thriller
by Simone Polito
- 20'
trending_up 1,821
Non Oggi (2023) Thriller
by Marco Cannilla
- 9'
trending_up 1,377
Flop! (2023) Thriller
by Federico Imola
- 7'
trending_up 1,660
What's inside the suitcase? (2023) Thriller
by Gaia Barsottini
- 1'
trending_up 1,973
Il Portiere Notturno (2023) Thriller
by Fabiana Miccio
- 13'
trending_up 2,945
La Ninfa (2022) Thriller
by Giuseppe Capo
- 11'
trending_up 2,480
Il Traghettatore (2022) Thriller
by Marco Cannilla
- 18'
trending_up 2,457
Gli Ospiti (2022) Thriller
by Giuseppe Capo
- 5'
trending_up 3,794
Phobia (2021) Thriller
by Marco Cannilla
- 14'
trending_up 1,095
CHIMERA (2021) Thriller
by Samuele Deri & Jacopo Yahya
- 16'
trending_up 4,732
INSIDE (2021) Thriller
by Giuseppe Messina
- 13'
trending_up 5,711
by Davide Santandrea
- 16'
trending_up 6,551
mater (2021) Thriller
by Alberto de Grandis
- 21'
trending_up 3,819
BPD (2021) Thriller
by Martin Basile
- 4'
trending_up 7,529 emoji_events
Fuga dalla realtà (2021) Thriller
by Simonetta Pellizzer
- 12'
trending_up 6,601
Al di là di ogni irragionevole dubbio
Al di là di ogni irragionevole dubbio (2021) Thriller
by Antonio Candalice, Annarita Mangialardo
- 16'
trending_up 2,343
La strada verso il buio (2021) Thriller
by Matteo Franco
- 3'
trending_up 4,633
Fototessera (2020) Thriller
by Panta
- 5'
trending_up 1,460
Hysteria (the covid-19 shortfilm) (2020) Thriller
by Samuele Schiavo
- 11'
trending_up 7,936
Alters (2020) Thriller
by Artemisio Desiderio
- 9'
trending_up 5,069
How High The Moon
How High The Moon (2020) Thriller
by Antonio Candalice
- 5'
trending_up 5,061
La Consegna (2020) Thriller
by Simone Delù
- 1'
trending_up 7,061
ISOLATION (2020) Thriller
by Roberto Loiacono e Angelo Donzella
- 13'
trending_up 5,808 emoji_events
The Buzzer (2020) Thriller
by Paolo Iavarone
- 6'
trending_up 4,742 emoji_events